Sausage Making

This reprises many of the featured articles in the former That website was a joint effort of the late Barry Bryner of Draper, Utah, and me, Russ Lambert, of Austin, Texas. We struck up a close friendship during on-line encounters when Barry was running a Polish-based sausage making website called, but there were some internal politics that got in the way and they parted company. I offered to set up a website for Barry to continue his work, and it ran until shortly after his death in 2019. In later years, he was in declining health, but maintained his quick wit until the end. He is greatly missed.

We tried to build a comprehensive "how-to" website and collect recipes, but it got to be overwhelming. The website was awkward, and there was increasing competition and declining traffic volume. In the end, we "rode off quietly into the sunset," you might say. So, why the hell do I want to reprise it? Frankly, I don't really want to, but there was a lot of good material there which would be a shame to lose. So bear with me, as ol' "Bear" would say.

Click here to enter the world of Sausage Making: Introduction to Sausage Making.

Click here for 32 Sausage making Tips to Save You Grief

Click here for a General Sausage Recipe, Curing Agents (& calculations), & Additives